According to Global Web Index, Social Media has an important role to play in the purchase journey.

Greater than Half of digital consumers follow brands in social

Social Media is the top product research channel among 16-24 year olds

Unfortunately, only 13% say a BUY button encourages that behavior

Action Step:

If you have a young or youthful audience for your brand, there’s a disconnect between the research phase and the purchase phase. More opportunities to buy from paid social ads, paired with review and click-to-buy content will make an impact on sales.


Blog Posts

Messaging Tips for Recruiting Degree Completions

When developing creative for these audiences, it’s critical to consider these factors in the visuals, headlines, and copy.

The Impact of Increasing Room Rates

Revenue management strategies should be used to determine the optimal balance between rates and occupancy for maximizing overall revenue.

Tips for Universities to Enhance Recruitment Marketing

Effectively marketing a university to prospective students requires a well-rounded approach that leverages digital platforms, highlights unique selling points, utilizes targeted advertising, enhances the website…


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