For years TV has been the go to platform for entertainment and educational content; capturing the attention of the majority of any geographic audience. For this reason, TV has been seen for a very long time as one of the most effective and trusted ad mediums. However, this has changed drastically since the advent of online video. Viewership is moving in high rates away from television and onto the internet. Teens and Millennials are spending 43%-45+% less time each week watching live TV than 5 years ago.  In 2017 alone 22.2 million viewers ages 18 and older have cut the cord. A figure up 33.2% over 2016.

This means television ads are losing local audiences while the cost of TV spots remains the same. Advertisers are reaching less and paying more for ads. TV is expensive, and online video has better defined audience targeting capabilities at a much smaller price tag. Who wouldn’t want that?

Still not convinced? Take a look at this infographic.

To learn more about how we can assist you in meeting your advertising objectives by utilizing online video, contact us today.


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