If you want your website to be successful, great design isn’t the only thing that matters. Your site must reflect your brand and its identity system, and capture the attention and conversion of your audience.

A research study conducted at Carleton University (Canada) found that a brand has 50 milliseconds to make the first impression upon entering your site. Researchers at the Missouri University of Science and Technology found it takes another 2.6 seconds for that viewer’s eyes to concentrate in a way that reinforces a first impression. The takeaway – a brand has  2.65 seconds to make a good first impression.

We All Get Judge-y

We all make snap judgements about sites we visit. (Yes, you do.) Those judgements are based on whether the site captures the brand’s essence, load time, broken links, outdated design. Can you imagine still using MySpace? Yeah, us neither.

The Big "G"

Google puts mobile users first, meaning if your site isn’t made for mobile it WILL affect your rankings in search. This includes Google telling the online searcher that the site they are about to visit isn’t going to be a good mobile experience and they recommend you find a different one. (No brand would want to ignore the experience of nearly 84% of the Internet. If you aren’t working in Google’s world, you’re really hurting your website.)

When to Throw out the Plans

If your website doesn’t consider the user experience, convert easily, or feel like the present day, then you have a problem. If you’ve begun a web project that will fall short, don’t pull the “launch” lever.

A poor site experience will hurt your brand. Doesn’t your brand deserve better than the “good enough plan?”


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