What if you could see the future? What if you knew what questions your customer was going to ask, before they asked it?

Back in 2016, retailers who were watching trends saw something interesting around LOL Dolls and made a strategic decision to move. Those same retailers who had the data to move early were able to make twice as much revenue as the retailers who jumped on the bandwagon when the toys were red hot in 2018. Once more in that same year LOL Dolls were the shining star of the industry as the toy industry was down 2% overall, but LOL Dolls drove nearly all the growth.

You have the same crystal ball. You can watch search trendlines in your vertical using free tools like Google Trends. You can even take that crystal ball and turn it into actual magic for your customer. Using things like search queries and keyword searches you can begin to understand exactly how your customer searches for you, what words they use, in what order those words appear, and the exact questions they are asking.

“We often think we know what the customer is searching for, before we look at the data. The fact is, the data will show that we don’t know.” – Becca Aldrich

Once you understand the data, you can create a content strategy that answers the questions your customer has before they even know to ask those questions. Because your customer is searching and they will get the answer from someone, why shouldn’t that someone be you?!

In a recent Think with Google piece they were talking about searches using the phrase “for me” and how (in the age of the individual) those searches are up 60% year-over-year. Not only is your customer searching for your product, they want that product to feel bespoke to them. All this magic starts with an understanding of what the customer is actually looking for, not what you think they should be looking for.

Check out the podcast below for more insight into how you can use your search data to create a contest strategy to win over your customer.


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