At MLive Media Group, we meet with a lot of people. Lately, one of the most frequently asked questions is around “geo-fencing.” This buzzword has become so popular that our clients want to learn more about it and how we can put it to use for them.

Geo-Fencing is a term that simply means targeting someone by the location of their device. For example, a shopping service can target individuals that go to a certain grocery store by locating their device inside that store and sending them marketing during and after their visit, while a pizzeria might target devices in a local stadium. Or, it can be used to target attendees at a trade show. The uses are endless.

Retailers attend an industry conference, where wholesalers are taking orders for their seasonal product lines. For the retailer, they are looking for new items to sell. For the vendors it is a heated competition in which they want their items to be top of mind. They are competing with 100 other wholesalers with similar items. Messaging the retailer attendees while they’re at the show can help them get noticed and make a connection.

Tradeshow Creative Examples:
Messaging attendees while they’re at the show can improve the top-of-mind awareness for vendors and drive incremental business. In an environment where literally every fifteen steps is a new purchase opportunity, every close counts. Get a jumpstart by messaging the very people you are selling to.

Using technology to your advantage means you can now follow these devices home, serving messages after the event and growing the length of your exchange with your retailers. Get specific, at this point! There’s nothing wasted by securing one more sale after the show closes.

Post Tradeshow Creative Examples:
Once the retailer has left the show, the opportunity to meet with them face to face may have ended. But the chance to influence whether they do business with you has not! They’ve seen your name and potentially even met with you. Now you can close the deal without another meeting.

Using geographic, latitude/longitude targeting of devices makes sense for any show. Make the most of your next tradeshow experience!


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