World-Class Creative You Can Feel

Telling Stories, Illustrating Concepts, Creating Content Architecture

Our team develops world-class initiatives beyond clients’ dreams and vision. We craft media that curates an experience with your brand.

More than A Pretty Picture

Attractive creative simply isn’t enough. Not only must it look great, but it also must serve a purpose. During the development of visuals, our team digs into audience information and data to guide our efforts.

The Creative Approach

Our team generates attractive, purposeful creative for display every day, but often our clients require more depth. We have specific measures that drive engagement, build brand awareness or build sentiment.

Work with Us


Business Consultants

Our consultants make your internal team stronger, without adding staff.

Media Specialists

Placing your marketing messages within Michigan’s number one news source is just the beginning. We do digital at the local, state and global levels, targeting audiences by geography, demographics and behavioral characteristics.

Lead Generators

We grow businesses we partner with, and marketing isn’t the only way. Lead Generation is a specialty, using data you already have to create your next best customer.

It isn’t enough that your advertising is attractive.

It has to perform.


Blog Posts

Messaging Tips for Recruiting Degree Completions

When developing creative for these audiences, it’s critical to consider these factors in the visuals, headlines, and copy.

The Impact of Increasing Room Rates

Revenue management strategies should be used to determine the optimal balance between rates and occupancy for maximizing overall revenue.

Tips for Universities to Enhance Recruitment Marketing

Effectively marketing a university to prospective students requires a well-rounded approach that leverages digital platforms, highlights unique selling points, utilizes targeted advertising, enhances the website…


Grow Your Business

This is the new MLIVE MEDIA GROUP. Our business is making your business smarter. Contact us with any opportunities for us to help YOU.

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