Social Media Is A Language. Get it Right!

Every social media channel is different, with a different culture and language. How consumers interact with brands varies by channel, and as an advertiser you’ll want to get it right.

The 3 Most Important Things

to Know About Social Media

From Facebooks 2.2 billion (yep—that’s billion with a “B”) active users, 72% of which boast a household income of $75,000 plus, Facebook is a noisy advertising environment that requires a pay-to-play mentality.

Six of ten adults have an active Instagram account, and while owned by Facebook, Instagram hasn’t fallen victim to the brand confusion that can occur with acquisition.

500 million tweets get sent daily on Twitter. With one of the worst visual environments and limited characters to tell your story, this channel prefers the quick witted and authentic brands. Linkedin, Pinterest and Snapchat also have unique environments deserving of study.

Need the guide to audience size and demographics for each of these platforms? Look no further.


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