Generating a social media strategy can be scary for a first-timer. At MLIve Media Group, we get it—when social is just part of your job and not your entire livelihood, knowing just what to do, how much to do, and what to say can be daunting.

Your approach doesn’t need to be complex. The premise is easy—give more than you ask for, and invite engagement. Your posts should fall into two areas:


Not everything is about a call to action. Brands that offer something relevant to life, entertaining or informational, or just for fun are the ones we all love interacting with. Watch these posts carefully—when your audience comments, respond! Knowing that a brand will join in the conversation, especially when the business doesn’t get immediate gratification, is when a customer will feel most connected.


When you’re asking, the post includes discounts, re-messaging from the card, or lead generating calls to action. These are important to your business’s success, but less meaningful to your customer. Ideally, these are the posts being boosted or promoted through paid efforts.

Driving revenue requires the appropriate blend of giving and asking. Knowing the goal of your post will help you decide how to place it, and what to boost or pay. Use this simple guide next time you’re working on your social strategy or content calendar.


Blog Posts

Messaging Tips for Recruiting Degree Completions

When developing creative for these audiences, it’s critical to consider these factors in the visuals, headlines, and copy.

The Impact of Increasing Room Rates

Revenue management strategies should be used to determine the optimal balance between rates and occupancy for maximizing overall revenue.

Tips for Universities to Enhance Recruitment Marketing

Effectively marketing a university to prospective students requires a well-rounded approach that leverages digital platforms, highlights unique selling points, utilizes targeted advertising, enhances the website…

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