You Don’t Need More Candidates, You Need “The One”

As the workforce evolves to be increasingly more competitive, it has become challenging for companies to attract and retain high caliber talent. Quality employees are no longer looking at job boards for new career opportunities, and according to this study, 85% of the workforce are open to exploring a new job.

Career progressions are changing, pensions and loyalty do not exist, and millennials will have 15-20 jobs during their working lives. We know there is a remarkable increase in the number of people applying to jobs; however, the last thing a recruiter needs is more candidates. The true need is for more quality candidates.

Job Board Posting is Not a Strategy

Job boards do not always have a strategic approach in finding quality candidates. At MLive Media Group we realize the digital landscape can have a tremendously positive effect on recruitment strategies. Using our results driven model, we recently implemented a recruitment campaign for one of our clients and increased their interview to hire ratio from 9% to 33%.

Find your best candidate by using audience targeting to analyze those that are already on your team and performing well, and then finding more like them: they’ll share characteristics, preferences, and have similar online behaviors. In this way, the new candidates will look like the best version of the existing ones.


Blog Posts

Messaging Tips for Recruiting Degree Completions

When developing creative for these audiences, it’s critical to consider these factors in the visuals, headlines, and copy.

The Impact of Increasing Room Rates

Revenue management strategies should be used to determine the optimal balance between rates and occupancy for maximizing overall revenue.

Tips for Universities to Enhance Recruitment Marketing

Effectively marketing a university to prospective students requires a well-rounded approach that leverages digital platforms, highlights unique selling points, utilizes targeted advertising, enhances the website…


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