Positioning for Results Using

Search Engine Marketing

When a prospective customer uses a search engine to answer a question about how, what, where or which product, he or she is raising a hand, saying “I have a question!” Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is all about positioning your brand as the answer to the question.


of consumers begin by using a search engine to discover new products and services

74% Reported

using search to compare or research a brand

Paid Search Ads

can increase purchase intent by up to 28%

Using Search to Generate Qualified Leads

Your search campaign should position you as the answer to the question being posed by your ideal customer. Whether that means paid placement, as in buying an ad in the top search results (a pay-per-click campaign), or SEO (adjusting your site content to naturally generate better rankings among search results), your campaign efforts require a watchful eye and a partner willing to make real-time changes to benefit your campaign.


Search Results Guide Inventory Decisions

A Lawn and Garden client had been selling trellises online and in big box retail locations. These products performed satisfactorily in those retail locations, and the search volume around these items supported those sales. But with a quick review of the search volumes for “lattice,” we quickly discovered that the combined search quantities were three times that of “trellis.”

Our client had both the materials and the capabilities already in place to manufacture this product. With upcoming annual sales meetings, our client used our market research and data to help bolster their pitch for adding lattices to the repertoire of products carried by retailers and distributors.

When your ideal customers raise their hands to ask a question and you show up as a possible answer, they are more likely to choose you if they recognize your brand name. Branding your business through display and video will increase the success rate of being chosen as the answer when you appear in the search results.


Real World Examples

Vaccination Awareness Still Relevant, Campaign grows engagement 27%

Despite audience fatigue and continued controversy on the subject of vaccination, Hackley prioritized vaccination as a priority message for its audience. They needed to ensure…

Camp for Autism Patients Full in 3 Weeks

Our primary goal in marketing this facility was to fill camp registrations. Our campaign, slated to run until the camp’s registration deadline, was paused after…

Mayoral Race Uses Social Display, OTT for Results

By 2022, the stage was set for a rematch. Our firm was employed by The Committee to elect Sheldon Neeley to provide media services leading…

Industry insights

Blog Posts

The Impact of Increasing Room Rates

Revenue management strategies should be used to determine the optimal balance between rates and occupancy for maximizing overall revenue.

Tips for Universities to Enhance Recruitment Marketing

Effectively marketing a university to prospective students requires a well-rounded approach that leverages digital platforms, highlights unique selling points, utilizes targeted advertising, enhances the website…

4-Year College Students: Changing Demographics

According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, more than one in five college students (or 22%) are now balancing the responsibilities of parenthood along…


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