When used properly, your own customer relationship management (CRM) data is one of your most valuable assets. It should be used to help you better understand who your existing customers are, their definable attributes and characteristics, what they’re buying, and why. Then, your marketing partner can turn what you know of your best current customers, into more customers with their most desirable characteristics. All this to say, the information that you have stored about your current customers is more valuable today than the day you collected it. Together, your CRM and site traffic analytics tell the story of your ideal customers, and the journey they take  to their purchase decisions. Knowing this information simplifies the targeting of those exact individuals and finding those just like them.

At its core, customer relationship management is simple. However, it can be implemented in a huge array of methods: websites, social media, telephone calls, chat, mail, email and various marketing materials can all be integrated into a CRM solution. Due to CRM’s diversity, it doesn’t only benefit larger businesses — using and maintaining a CRM tool is the basis for a scalable sales and marketing system. Any company will benefit from maintaining a record of which conversations, purchases and marketing material can be associated with leads and customers.

Our recent webinar, called “Business at a Distance” includes a section on data management and how to best use what you already own to magnify your business goals and customer relationships. In this download, understand how tracking your own business’s customer journey can impact your decisions for search, display and social, among others.


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