It’s easy to embrace the shiny new object, isn’t it? In tech, we all want the latest generation device with its sleek form and new charger. In marketing, we want the latest audience targeting capability or the trendiest ads. And in life, we want the Pantone Color of the Year incorporated into our next design project. But developing goals for campaigns and other marketing activity should happen before doing anything else. Don’t get caught up in shiny and new until you know what your marketing campaign is for. After all, it’s only after we know what our marketing activities should do or achieve is it possible to develop the strategy to get there.

At MLive, our clients come to us with all different kinds of needs. Together, we determine how much change they need and what length of time they have to create it. Every need is different. But when the goals come first, it directly drives the tactics selected and how much marketing effort is used. It even makes a difference in the way changes are made after a campaign launch.

Examples of these goals, which we call “Key Performance Indicators” are varied.

Key Performance Indicators are developed with measurement in mind. Are you on pace to make it to your goal? Is your campaign generating enough activity to reach the goal? Are the tactics in place the right blend? Regular reporting meetings will identify gaps and necessary changes to the campaign to correct the trajectory.

With well-established goals that include the percentage of growth required and in a specific time span, your campaign can be effective, measurable, and productive.  You’ll also be able to articulate to others the optimizations made and why, as you journey to your goal.


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