You Don’t Need an Agency

A Little Support Can Go a Long Way

MLive Media Group may seem like the “big guys,” but in truth we are a scrappy, invent-the-solution company that hires entrepreneurial spirits to innovate, break technology and find what’s next for our clients. We care about the small businesses in our community because we behave a lot like one ourselves. And we know that we can put our big resources to use for the smallest businesses with great success.

Consultants Create Order from Chaos

When you wake up every day to your labor of love, marketing is often the last thing you feel you have time for. And with a new business, unloading the latest shipment is more important than posting a Facebook photo or placing an ad. If only someone could take a few of these things off your plate. We can! At MLive, we adjust our work to suit what is needed—only what is needed.

Make Your Marketing Work Better with Expert Consultants

We can help shut out the noise of dozens of salespeople calling on you. We understand business, we understand consumer sentiment and we know how to propel it. We represent the number one news and information site in Michigan. Let’s find your new business its customers.


Real World Examples

Vaccination Awareness Still Relevant, Campaign grows engagement 27%

Despite audience fatigue and continued controversy on the subject of vaccination, Hackley prioritized vaccination as a priority message for its audience. They needed to ensure…

Camp for Autism Patients Full in 3 Weeks

Our primary goal in marketing this facility was to fill camp registrations. Our campaign, slated to run until the camp’s registration deadline, was paused after…

Mayoral Race Uses Social Display, OTT for Results

By 2022, the stage was set for a rematch. Our firm was employed by The Committee to elect Sheldon Neeley to provide media services leading…


Blog Posts

Messaging Tips for Recruiting Degree Completions

When developing creative for these audiences, it’s critical to consider these factors in the visuals, headlines, and copy.

The Impact of Increasing Room Rates

Revenue management strategies should be used to determine the optimal balance between rates and occupancy for maximizing overall revenue.

Tips for Universities to Enhance Recruitment Marketing

Effectively marketing a university to prospective students requires a well-rounded approach that leverages digital platforms, highlights unique selling points, utilizes targeted advertising, enhances the website…

Hear What Our Clients Think of Us


Grow Your Business

This is the new MLIVE MEDIA GROUP. Our business is making your business smarter. Contact us with any opportunities for us to help YOU.

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