You’re a savvy digital marketer. You know a thing or two about building campaign strategy and optimizing that campaign after launch. You’re covering the full funnel, and really activating your audience. But are you considering the experience you’re delivering on a mobile device?

Assuming you’ve already checked the box on your mobile website experience and ensured that everyone that visits your site gets a phenomenal visual that fits the device they’re using, “leveling up” your creative might be about the ad that brought them there.

A Few Tips on Designing Ads for Mobile Devices

Less is More

It was Coco Chanel that invited us to take off that one unnecessary accessory before leaving the house, and she wasn’t wrong. When designing for mobile, don’t overdo it. You want something visually arresting, but not packed with detail. If it’s not needed, leave it out. Depending on the purpose of the ad, even a CTA could be considered optional.

To the Point

A smartphone is used for rapid, transactional things like emails and texts. Things that are touched once and abandoned. You need a strong visual or short phrase that makes the user act….right now. A phone’s purpose is utility, so connect the user to the thing they need in this moment.

Frequent Enough

If they scroll, flip, or thumb through, be sure that your frequency model is set high enough that they can’t miss you. A good rule is once a day for a brief period, like 15 or 30 days. This frequent visual isn’t spam, it’s “just right.”

Go Casual

Err on the side of more casual layouts, particularly where social media is part of your strategy. It’s best to include elements that look like they belong in the space where they are viewed.


Keep I mind the location of the user. Is there something you can serve that shows them you understand where they are? These tend to be the “thumb stopping” ads we linger over.

Lean into What’s Working

Understand what products or features are converting the audience, ad lean into those. Don’t “waste” geo-fending on trial and error. If you have a CRM or sales history, you can easily identify popular product sets.

With a few quick tips, you can level up your creative to work well on a smart device. Small changes can really adjust the response rate to your ads! But remember that clicks aren’t the end-all, be-all of advertising successfully. Be sure to see what change you’re driving in the time on site, makeup of devices coming to your site, and advertising in-view time, too.

With a few quick tips, you can level up your creative to work well on a smart device. Small changes can really adjust the response rate to your ads! But remember that clicks aren’t the end-all, be-all of advertising successfully. Be sure to see what change you’re driving in the time on site, makeup of devices coming to your site, and advertising in-view time, too.


Contributed by Anne Drummond, Vice President of Marketing, Midwest

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