Most of us are in this together, at home. “Can you hear me?” has become the standard “hello” for most of your meetings. Eating all the leftovers isn’t just for boomers anymore. And getting outside, watching the change of the season offers a simple pleasure more rewarding than in years’ past. While our existence has changed, so has the way we do business.

While glimmers of hope emerge around possible re-openings, it’s increasingly important that your steady communication with existing and potential customers remain genuine. Here are a few ideas for the week.

Focus on building/maintaining relationships first.

Check in with your audience and customers. Working with the CRM, google analytics and other data you have, let them know you are (still) here to address any concerns they may have during this time and explain how you’re adapting your business to the current situation. Consider answering frequently searched questions about your product by reviewing new trends since the coronavirus emerged. Regular communications help—even passively—with brand recognition and trust. Sentiment during a time of scarcity, uncertainty, or even fear is precious. Don’t squander it! Email, digital display, blog posts and sponsored content are excellent ways to keep connected, through your customer’s regular internet travels. (Like you, they are spending more time than ever online. Need a resource to help you get started? Try this.)

Maximize the experience of current customers.

Helping customers optimize their current solutions by offering add-ons or introducing them to complementary components will help reinforce your relationship with them. You could also stimulate repeat purchases, up-sell or cross-sell across your business lines. But more important than the sale is the ongoing connection, and their knowledge that you did more than was necessary to serve them.

Consider how what you say will influence hires and rehires post-pandemic.

As the world comes back online, you’ll need to rehire or re-employ. While perhaps not at pre-covid-19 levels immediately, you will need to adjust. What you say right now will influence the opinion of you by new recruits. 94% of job seekers are looking at your social media feed to help them form an opinion about your brand.

Don’t forget your prospects.

You may have a list already, using the CRM previously mentioned. Messaging this group with your content pieces in varied formats (video, display, social, narrative) can improve recall, particularly if you give more than you ask. But you may want to consider ways to refresh this list as you come back online. One way that has proven successful for our clients is to offer an enter-to-win, with an opt-in for more communication from your brand later. This method could add hundreds to your prospects lists without much effort.

Need more advice? We’re here to help.

No one believes it’s “business as usual,” yet you may not know just what steps to take to pivot during this unprecedented time. You aren’t alone, and we know you need answers. Join us for a FREE WEBINAR, called “Marketing During Times of Uncertainty.” We’ll be hosting this webinar twice weekly until it’s no longer needed.


Blog Posts

Mental Health Providers Benefit from Content Strategy

Content builds trust and over time elevates your position in search results, especially when you’ve included key terminology that your audience might be searching.

Streamed Video is Scalable, Targeted

Referred to as OTT, Internet-based content is streamed to devices connected to a television (think Roku or Amazon Fire devices) or via functionality of Smart…

Tips and Tricks for Podcasting

It’s an honor to be asked to be part of a series of content. It means, first and foremost, that you have something of value…


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