In our localized worlds, reliant on the next customer in the door or the next client cancellation, positivity balanced with prudent planning is key. To that end, we must all examine closely how the costs associated with a now-open-but-still-cautious business environment will impact our costs of doing business.

Equally true, the path to conversion isn’t in post-crisis. All of us spent countless hours with our technology, constantly hit refresh on news sites, and grasped for good news and the bad equally. It’s as unlikely that anyone has gone to YouTube and watched a single video as it is that you’re interested in having a house party right now. Axia has reported, “Studies have shown that consumers now travel through most of the sales cycle before ever talking to a salesperson. In fact, more than 60 percent of the buyer’s journey is digital. Also, a whopping 84 percent of CEOs and VPs report that they use social media to make purchasing decisions.”

So how do you adapt as you re-open?

What can you do immediately (and affordably) as your business comes back online?

You need a coach, and we’re offering free advise from Eric Hultgren, Director of Content and Social Media, and Ryan Winfield, Digital Strategy Manager. Together, they’ll share what they know, how to begin a strategy, and what marketing strategies may resonate for you. We’ll include topics like:

  • How the Business Model Has Changed
  • Customer Engagement Through Re-Entry
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Marketing Now, Affordable Options for Right Now


What Can I Expect?

This webinar is free, but packed with informative ideas and actionable steps. All those that attend will also receive a copy of a 19-page Business At a Distance e-Book, which provides further resources, tips and ideas. Because attendance at the webinar is limited, we ask for your name and contact information in advance.

The hour before the webinar begins, we’ll send you a reminder email containing login credentials. (You’ll already have this from your initial signup.) Following the webinar, we’ll ask a few questions about how we did, and whether the information was actionable, and provide the e-Book for your use.

We are all in this together. Our team is hearing first-hand how COVID-19 is rapidly changing how Michiganders are doing business. At MLive Media Group, we are working hard to adjust in light of the new needs we are hearing from our valued clients and others. This webinar is one way we are responding.


Blog Posts

Mental Health Providers Benefit from Content Strategy

Content builds trust and over time elevates your position in search results, especially when you’ve included key terminology that your audience might be searching.

Streamed Video is Scalable, Targeted

Referred to as OTT, Internet-based content is streamed to devices connected to a television (think Roku or Amazon Fire devices) or via functionality of Smart…

Tips and Tricks for Podcasting

It’s an honor to be asked to be part of a series of content. It means, first and foremost, that you have something of value…


Grow Your Business

This is the new MLIVE MEDIA GROUP. Our business is making your business smarter. Contact us with any opportunities for us to help YOU.

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